We keep only the following data relating to our suppliers and customers: contact details; purchase and sales histories; financial information and trade references provided by customers when applying for credit account; publicly available financial information; and credit reports. All electronic data is held securely on our computer system and protected by password, firewall and anti-virus software. All hard copy data is held in locked rooms. This data is made available only to members of our staff and professional advisers who need to know. Any data supplied by you to us shall be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the General Data Protection Regulation and, once enacted, the Data Protection Act 2018. We hold data for the legitimate purpose of carrying on our business and protecting our financial position and we audit it from time to time to delete any that we no-longer need. We shall not disclose your data to any other organisation, but (unless and until you request otherwise) may use it to keep you informed of our product range. On request by you we shall promptly provide to you the data we hold about you and, if so required, amend (so far as it is inaccurate) or delete it. Our data protection officer is our Operations Director, currently Kevin Frost.